
MG 34 Final Inspection (støv- og produktfjerner)

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Varenummer : M3401

  • Fast, mist-on, wipe-off for a “Show Car Shine”.

  • Use to evaluate paint repairs or to look for surface defects or to remove fresh contaminants.

  • Ideal for use before customer delivery.

  • Spray and wipe for quick clean-up of compound, polish and residue.

  • Excellent as clay lubrication.

  • BSS (Body Shop Safe )




  • Apply in the SHADE on a COOL SURFACE. (Not for heavily soiled finishes.)

  • Mist product on a small area and quickly spread evenly over the finish with a clean, dry, Meguiar’s wipe (E101 or X2010EU).

  • Immediately turn towel to dry surface and lightly wipe to a deep gloss shine!


Hurtig, forstøves på og tørres af og efterlader "Show Car Shine".

Bruges til at efterprøve lakreparationer eller for at undersøge for lakdefekter.

Lægger sidste hånd på resultatet og gør klargøringen helt perfekt.

Perfekt til at fjerne rester fra polering.

Fremragende til brug som smøremiddel sammen med en clay bar.

100% overlakerbart