
MG 105 Ultra Cut Compound

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Varenummer : M10501

Et af vores mest alsidige compounds, der kan bruges på alle typer maskiner eller med håndkraft.

Eksklusiv, super micro-slibe teknologi.

Ultra hurtig fjernelse af slibemærker efter korn 1200 vandslibepapir eller finere.

Super micro-slibestoffer giver det bedste resultat.

Fjerner ridser, defekter, skader efter syreregn og tydelige poleringsskjolder.

Baseret på Meguiar's banebrydende og advancerede SMAT teknologi

Kan bruges med:



Et af vores mest alsidige compounds, der kan bruges på alle typer maskiner eller med håndkraft.

Eksklusiv, super micro-slibe teknologi.

Ultra hurtig fjernelse af slibemærker efter korn 1200 vandslibepapir eller finere.

Super micro-slibestoffer giver det bedste resultat.

Fjerner ridser, defekter, skader efter syreregn og tydelige poleringsskjolder.

Baseret på Meguiar's banebrydende og advancerede SMAT teknologi

Kan bruges med:


Dual Action Polermaskine

Roterende Polermaskine



BEMÆRK: Professionelt produkt der kun bør bruges af uddannet personale.


  • Extra Heavy Cut: 12/12
  • Rapid defect removal & minimal swirl.
  • Exclusive super-micro abrasives technology leaves best-in-class finish.
  • Ultra fast cutting removes 1200 grit and finer sanding marks.
  • Also great for removing scratches, defects, acid rain and severe swirls/holograms.
  • Excellent for rubbing door jambs.
  • Safe on all paint finishes including Scratch Resistant Clear Coat finishes.
  • BSS (Body Shop Safe).
  • METHOD OF APPLICATION: Hand or DA Polisher or Rotary buffer.



  • SHAKE WELL. Apply to clean, cool, properly cured paint surface. Work one section at a time.
  • Hand Application: Excellent for rubbing out door jambs and spot hand compounding.
    Simply apply to a soft cloth (X2010EU) and rub desired area. Wipe residue with clean side of towel.
  • DA Polisher: Apply directly to foam cutting pad (DFC5). Set polisher to 4-5 (for MT310 set 4.800-5.800 opm’s).Apply moderate pressure on initial 2-3 passes followed with light pressure for next 2 passes. Wipe off residue immediately after each panel.
  • Rotary Buffer: Set buffer to approximately 1500-2000 RPM’s and use wool pad (WRWC8). To prime new or dry pads mist on with M34 Final Inspection. Apply the compound directly to the paint surface and work in an area 5x5cm with overlapping passes. Continue until defects or sanding marks are removed. Wipe off residues with Meguiar’s microfiber wipe (X2010EU or E101), prior to polishing.
    For optimal results on OEM paints use a lower speed 1200-1500 and less pressure.
    For less aggressive cutting use foam cutting pad (WRFC7).
  • For final polishing use the M20501 Ultra Finishing Polish with appropriate foam pad.
  • For optimal results clean your pads frequently.



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